Each season we endeavor to find an artist we can work with to do a series of boards with bring something new to the table, for our audience, at large. We’ve been fortunate enough to partner with the likes of Niark 1, Erik Abel, Ian Jepson, Morning Breath, Ray Collins, David ‘Meggs’ Hooke, Salty Timbers, Spencer Keeton Cunningham, El Gran Tocayo and DKNG in the past, and look forward to new collaborations in the future. This season, we're proud to introduce our latest artist and photographer, Travis Burke. He is an accomplished photographer, athlete, public speaker and explorer. Growing up passionate about skateboarding and surfing in San Diego, California, Travis has always been known to push the boundaries of his crafts. We super stoked to highlight some of his amazing travel imagery on some truly unique skateboards, and welcome him to the Sector 9 family.